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Setting Internet LG KU380

Setting handphone ini memeang unik, masalahnya belum banyak yang tau, bahkan dari CS LG sekalipun kurang bs membantu untuk tipe ini.
Sempet kecewa karena ga bs koneksi ke internet dari HP atau dikoneksikan ke PC. tapi ga patah semangat saya coba ulik...ulik.... utak... atik....... horeeeee bisa
Kunci sukses koneksi ke internet adalah setting Access point di HP, klo sudah benar trus setting profil internet nya di HP juga lalu tes klo bs browsing di HP berarti suksesss.
Nah untuk koneksi internet di PC dengan LG KU380 sebagai modemnya, gunakan dial number *99# ato *99***1# dan yang penting agar pilih profil internet di HP sudah benar

Contoh setting TelkomFlash Unlimited 256Kbps
1. setting > network > Access point > Add ( buat baru)
2. Connection title : telkomflash
bearer : UMTS
authentication : no auth
APN : internet
3. save > back > back > back (kembali ke MENU utama)
4. pilih Browser > setting > profiles > option > add new
5. Sevice name : telkomflash
homepage : http://www.google.co.id ( isi bebas, tapi harus diisi)
Connection mode : TCP without proxy
Access point : telkomflash (atau yang tadi dibuat)
6. save > select profiles yg barusan dibuat ( di centang) > back > back
7. uji koneksi dengan browsing di hp
bisa pilih home, enter address, ato bookmark
8. tes berhasil bila halaman web terbuka sempurna... jika gagal cek kembali setting yang tadi

sambung kan HP ke PC via kabel data ato bluetooth, dan install driver2 nya dengan benar, klo pake bluetooth driver modem cukup bawaan windows, tapi untuk kabel data drivernya ada di CD LG Ku380. jika sudah kemudian
1. control panel > network connection > create a new connection > next
2. pilih connect to the internet >next
3. pilih set up my connection manually > next
4. pilih connect using a dialup modem > next
5. pilih modem yang digunakan, misal Modem - LGE Mobile USB modem ( klo pake kabel data) > next
6. ISP name isi aja telkomflash > next
7. Phone number : *99# ato *99***1# > next > next > finish

selesai sekarang bs coba diokensikan.... semoga behasil ya :D

Pembayaran dari Kumpulblogger.com

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya komisi dari Kumpulblogger.com masuk rekening BCA ku :D
terima kasih kepada semua pembaca yang berpartisipasi dan terima kasih juga buat Kumpulblogger.com.
Cuman sayang masih dikiit :D .....

Daftar PTC terbaik

List of the Best PTC

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Semuanya GRATIS tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun, jadi DAFTAR aja semuanya ga ada salahnya biar sekali panennya langsung dapet banyak ;)

Ragu? Jangan ragu saya buktinya


Nama PTC

Per klik

Referral per Klik

Minimal PayOut

Proses Payout







60 Hari

Jumlah iklan per hari 9-19






60 Hari






7 Hari

Proses payment cepat, rata-rata iklan per hari 15






60 Hari






60 Hari

Tiap klik hanya 20 detik (bukan 30 detik), Refresh iklan tiap 12 jam (bukan 24 jam)






14 Hari






60 Hari






60 Hari

Beli referral hanya $1, Sewa Referral hanya $0,3







Proses payment cepat






45 Hari

Paypal dan AlertPay







Hanya Untuk orang Indonesia buatan Indonesia, Payment via tranfer ke bank

Pay To Click Program

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Untuk mendapatkan hasil ini memang tidak mudah, perlu usaha yang keras diantaranya publikasi link referral anda dan berdoa.Tapi untuk sekarang usaha itu bisa kita kurangi hanya saja perlu modal. yaitu dengan membeli referral dari pengelola PTC tersebut. Pada BUX.TO paket terkecil dan termurah yaitu 15 referral seharga $16,98 saya tidak bisa menyebutkan ini mahal atau tidak. tapi kemungkinan yang dihasilkan dari 15 referral cukup menggiurkan, berikut cuplikan ilustrasinya

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» Your daily earnings = $1.50
» Your weekly earnings = $10.50
» Your monthly earnings = $45.00

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Buat yang punya modal sedikit jangan sedih, bisa ikut program PTC lain seperti Bux4.net, disini mereka menyediakan paket 5 referral hanya $7 (x9000 = Rp63.000). jang berfikir kecil karena di PTC ini minimal iklan yang dapat diklik perhari pengalaman saya rata 15 -20 banyak kan jadi
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> penghasilan sebulan $21 (x9000 = Rp189.000)
lumayan kan, baru daftar, beli referral trus dengan modal 63 ribu sudah dipastikan kita dapet uang 189 ribu perbulan. PASIF INCOME!! :D
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Silahkan buka rekening Paypal (klik disini) dan Alertpay
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Mau ikut semua PTC yang telah saya coba dan telah membayar saya? berikut daftarnya
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$10 dari Bux.to akhirnya cair

Setelah sekian lama menunggu 3 bulan lebih (Standard member)
akhirnya dapet juga $10.

sekarang saya menanti pencairan $80 yang saya peroleh saat menanti pencairan $10 itu. cuman sayang lama perlu waktu untuk proses auditnya untuk standard member 60 hari ya lebih baik dari pada kebijaakn yang dulu 90 hari. klo pingin cepet sih jadi professional member cuman ya bayar $59 setahun...

buat pembaca yang mo dapet dolar gratis kayak saya dari bux.to klik disini
klo mau tau lebih banyak cara dapet dolar dari bux.to klik disini atau menu bar diatas

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eBuddy Mobile Messenger

The eBuddy Mobile Messenger is the best multi-network Instant Messaging application that is especially designed to intuitively chat with your


Download this New and Improved version to your phone to get the best chat experience on MSN, Yahoo!, AIM and Google Talk, all in one single buddylist.

For more info visit www.ebuddy.com/mobilebeta

Multi network chat

With the eBuddy Mobile Messenger you can chat with your friends on MSN, Yahoo, AIM and Google Talk.

Filter through your contacts easily with the new QuickSearch feature. Then chat longer because we have improved connection handling and minimized data usage.

Customize your settings

The eBuddy Mobile Messenger features an easy settings screen where you can tailor the application to your liking.

Adjust the volume of the alerts. Or the way your contacts are ordered. With just a few clicks you have it just the way you like it.

We speak your language

Like all eBuddy Messengers, the eBuddy Mobile Messenger is available in a wide selection of languages.

If your language is not listed, you can even join our translation community and lend us a hand!

Source / Download visit http://www.getjar.com/
For more info visit www.ebuddy.com/mobilebeta

Hasil Tes eBuddy Mobile Messenger

Seperti Halnya YM pada PC.

Kelebihannya :
- Portable, di install pada Handphone dengan Java
- Murah, Aplikasi GRATISS, pemakaian GPRS dengan biaya murah, karena data yang dikirim di terima sedikit.
-Bisa Login dengan user ID di MSN, Yahoo, AOL, GTalk sekaligus
-Multi Chat

Tes yang kami lakukan dengan HP SE K508i , Kartu Halo biaya GPRS nya Rp10/kbytes
Jumlah daftar Buddies pada ID YM yang kami pakai 7 user ID

Login - Logout:
Paket Data yang terpakai 7 Kbyte
Biaya GPRS Rp.84,-

Login - Chat +-100 Karakter - logout:
Paket Data yang terpakai 9Kbyte
Biaya GPRS Rp.108,-

Selamat Mencoba ya!

Software HP Penghemat Biaya SMS

Cellity FreeSMS
Platform : Java (J2ME)
Version 1.3.2

Cellity freeSMS, software untuk mengirim dan menerima SMS gratis, tidak ada fee yang harus dibayar ke cellity. Anda tidak perlu lagi membayar biaya sms ke operator saat menggunakan Free SMS ini. Anda hanya menbayar biaya transfer data saja (Biaya GPRS). Dan yang lebih dasyat lagi anda bisa mengirim sms keseluruh dunia dengan biaya sama.

Ngirim SMS dengan cellity freeSMS bisa mencapai 2048 karakter! dan tentunya akan di bagi menjadi beberapa bagian sms (160 karakter) yang akan diterima oleh penerima sms.

Tunggu apa lagi Gratis Download dan install Softwarenya yang sesuai dengan tipe HP anda.

  1. s_midp1_low_getJar.jar
    Size: 28.26 Kb
    Compatible with:
    Nokia: 3410, 6100, 6310i
    >Download to Mobile via WAP: Open wap.GetJar.com with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 17692
    >Download to PC:
    JAD file (s_midp1_low_getJar.jad)
    JAR file (s_midp1_low_getJar.jar)
  2. s_midp1_high_getJar.jar
    Size: 36.08 Kb
    Compatible with:
    Alcatel: One Touch 557, One Touch 557a, One Touch 735, One Touch 756, One Touch C550, One Touch C552, One Touch C552a, One Touch C750, One Touch S853
    Asus: P525
    Audiovox: SMT 5600
    BenQ: A520, C30, EF51, P50
    BenQ-Siemens: CL71, E61, S81, S88
    BlackBerry: 6220, 6230, 6280, 6720, 7100, 7100i, 7130, 7130e, 7210, 7230, 7250, 7280, 7290, 7510, 7520, 7730, 8100, 8130, 8300, 8310, 8320, 8700, 8703e, 8707, 8800, 8820, 8830
    CECT: A1000
    Cingular: Cingular 2125, Cingular BlackJack
    Dopod: Dopod 515, Dopod 557w, Dopod 565, Dopod 575, Dopod 585, Dopod 586w, Dopod 595, Dopod C720W
    HP: iPAQ 510 Mobile Messenger
    HTC: HTC MTeoR, HTC S310, HTC S620, HTC S650, HTC S710, P3400, P3450
    Huawei: U526, U626
    i-mate: i-mate Smartphone2, i-mate SP Jas, i-mate SP3, i-mate SP3i, i-mate SP5, i-mate SP5m, i-mate SPL
    I-mobile: 510
    Lenovo: V800
    LG: B2000, B2050, B2070, B2100, B2150, C1100, C1150, C2000, C2500, C2600, C3100, C3300, C3400, CG225, CU400, CU500, F2400, G1600, G1610, G4015, G7100, KE770, KE800, KE820, KE970, KG110, KG195, KG200, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG245, KG290, KG300, KG320, KG800, LG KE500, LG-KE600, LG550, LX550, LX570, M4410, MG100a, MG105, MG220, MX510, P7200, S5200, T5100, TU500, U8210, U8290, U8330, U8500, VX9400, VX9900
    LG Electronics: LG-B2060
    Mitac: Mio 8390, Mio 8860, Mio 8870
    Motorola: A1200, A760, A768, A780, A835, C155, C168, C257, C261, C290, C350, C350M, C380, C385, C390, C450, C550, C650, C975, E1000, E1070, E365, E380, E398, E398B, E398i, E550, E680, E680i, E770, E770-Vodafone, E790, E815, i830, i850, i930, K1, KZRK K1, L2, L6, L6i, L7-Vodafone, L71, Motorola Q, Motorola Q Plus, MPX220, PEBL U6, Razr V3, RAZR V3a, RAZR V3m, Razr V3x, RAZR V3xx, RAZR V3xxv, RAZR V6, RAZR2 V8, RAZR2 V9, RAZR2 V9m, ROKR E1, ROKR E2, ROKR E6, SLVR L7, SLVR L7e, SLVR L7i, SLVR L9, T720, V1050, V1075, V171, V177, V180, V186, V188, V190, V191, V195, V197, V220, V235, V300, V303, V360, V360-Vodafone, V365, V3c, V3i, V3m, V3r, V3t, V3v, V3x-Vodafone, V400, V500, V505, V525, V525M, V535, V545, V547, V550, V551, V555, V557, V600, V600i, V620, V635, V690, V80, V975, V980, V980M, W220, W315, W375, W490, W510, Z3
    NEC: N600
    Nokia: 2355, 2610, 2626, 2630, 2650, 2760, 2855i, 2865, 2865i, 3100, 3105, 3110c, 3120, 3125, 3152, 3155, 3155i, 3200, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3300, 3410, 3500, 3510, 3510i, 3530, 3586i, 3587, 3595, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5070, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 5200, 5300, 5310 XpressMusic, 5500, 6010, 6015, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6060v, 6061, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6086, 6100, 6101, 6102, 6102i, 6103, 6108, 6111, 6125, 6126, 6131, 6133, 6151, 6155, 6165, 6165i, 6170, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6235i, 6255, 6255i, 6260, 6265, 6265i, 6267, 6270, 6275i, 6280, 6288, 6300, 6310i, 6500c, 6500s, 6555, 6585, 6600, 6610, 6610i, 6620, 6630, 6650, 6651, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6708, 6800, 6810, 6820, 6822, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7360, 7370, 7373, 7390, 7500, 7600, 7610, 7650, 7710, 8600 Luna, 8800, 8800 Sirocco, 8910i, 9210, 9290, 9300, 9500, E50, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N-Gage, N-Gage QD, N70, N70-1, N71, N72, N73, N75, N77, N80-1, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95
    O2: Ice
    Orange: SPV, SPV C100, SPV C500, SPV C550, SPV C600, SPV C700, SPV e100, SPV E200
    Panasonic: A210, SC3, VS2, VS3, VS6, X200P, X400, X400P, X500, X70
    Pantech: PG-1400, PG-1410, PG-C300
    Philips: 568, 588, 755, 756, 766, 768, 960, S890, S900
    Qtek: 8100, 8500
    QTEK: QTEK 7070, QTEK 8010, QTEK 8020, QTEK 8080, QTEK 8100, QTEK 8300, QTEK 8310, QTEK 8600
    RoverPC: M1
    Sagem: MY 302X, MY 301X, MY 400V, MY 400X, MY 401C, MY 401X, MY 401Z, MY 501C, MY 501X, MY 600v, MY 600x, MY 700X, MY C4-2, MY C5-2, MY C5-2 Vodafone, MY V-55, MY V-56, MY V-65, MY V-75, MY W-7, MY X-4, MY X-5-2T, MY X-6, MY X-7, MY X-8, MY X5-2, MY X5-2M, MY X6-2, MY Z-5, my411X, myX5-2v, Sagem myS-7
    Samsung: A717, i300, i320, i320N, SCH A870, SGH A701, SGH A707, SGH C100, SGH C100G, SGH C130, SGH C140, SGH C160, SGH C170, SGH C200, SGH C207, SGH C207L, SGH C210, SGH C230, SGH C260, SGH C300, SGH C400, SGH C406, SGH C417, SGH D407, SGH D410, SGH D500, SGH D500C, SGH D500E, SGH D510, SGH D520, SGH D600, SGH D600E, SGH D720, SGH D800, SGH D807, SGH D820, SGH D830, SGH D836, SGH D840, SGH D900, SGH D900i, SGH E200, SGH E250, SGH E300, SGH E310, SGH E310C, SGH E315, SGH E316, SGH E330, SGH E330N, SGH E340, SGH E340E, SGH E350, SGH E350E, SGH E360, SGH E370, SGH E376, SGH E390, SGH E420, SGH E490, SGH E500, SGH E530, SGH E568, SGH E570, SGH E600, SGH E620, SGH E630, SGH E630C, SGH E690, SGH E700, SGH E710, SGH E715, SGH E720, SGH E728, SGH E730, SGH E736, SGH E760, SGH E780, SGH E800, SGH E808, SGH E810, SGH E820, SGH E830, SGH E840, SGH E870, SGH E878, SGH E890, SGH E898, SGH E900, SGH G600, SGH i300, SGH I320, SGH I607, SGH J600, SGH L760, SGH M600, SGH P200, SGH P300, SGH P310, SGH P400, SGH P510, SGH P777, SGH P850, SGH P900, SGH P906, SGH P910, SGH P920, SGH S300, SGH S300M, SGH S500, SGH T209, SGH T219, SGH T309, SGH T319, SGH T329, SGH T509, SGH T509S, SGH T519, SGH T609, SGH T619, SGH T629, SGH T729, SGH T809, SGH U600, SGH U700, SGH V200, SGH X100, SGH X100A, SGH X105, SGH X120, SGH X140, SGH X160, SGH X200, SGH X210, SGH X300, SGH X430, SGH X450, SGH X460, SGH X480, SGH X486, SGH X490, SGH X495, SGH X500, SGH X506, SGH X507, SGH X510, SGH X520, SGH X530, SGH X540, SGH X600, SGH X608, SGH X610, SGH X620, SGH X620C, SGH X630, SGH X636, SGH X640, SGH X640C, SGH X648, SGH X650, SGH X660, SGH X670, SGH X680, SGH X686, SGH X700, SGH X820, SGH X830, SGH Z107, SGH Z140, SGH Z170, SGH Z230, SGH Z240, SGH Z300, SGH Z370, SGH Z400, SGH Z400V, SGH Z500, SGH Z510, SGH Z530, SGH Z540, SGH Z560, SGH Z630, SGH Z720, SGH ZV10, SGH ZV40, SGH ZV50, SGH-i607, SPH A580, SPH A640, SPH A660, SPH A680, SPH A740, SPH A900, SPH A900P, SPH A920, SPH A940, SPH A960, SPH M500, SPH M510, SPH M610, SPH M620, Z130, Z150
    Sanyo: S750, SCP-6600
    Sendo: X
    Sharp: 770SH, GX-L15, GX10, GX10i, GX15, GX17, GX20, GX22, GX25, GX29, GX30, GX30i, GXT15, TM100, TM150
    Siemens: A31, A60, A65, A75, AL21, AP75, AX72, AX75, AX76, C55, C60, C62, C65, C65-Vodafone, C66, C72, C75, CF62, CF75, CF76, CX65, CX70, CX75, EF81, M50, M55, M56, M65, M75, MC60, ME75, MT50, S55, S57, S65, S75, SK65, SL42, SL45, SL55, SL65, SL75, ST60, SX1
    Sony-Ericsson: D750, D750i, F500i, J200i, J210i, J220i, J230i, J300a, J300i, K200i, K300, K300a, K300i, K310, K310a, K310i, K320i, K500i, K508, K508c, K508i, K510a, K510i, K530i, K550i, K600, K600i, K608i, K610, K610i, K618i, K700, K700c, K700i, K750, K750i, K790a, K790i, K800i, K800iv, K810i, K850i, M600i, P1i, P800, P900, P910, P910a, P910i, P990i, S500i, S700, S700i, S710a, T226, T230, T250i, T290a, T290i, T610, T616, T630, T637, T650i, T68, V600, V600i, V630i, W200a, W200i, W300, W300i, W550c, W550i, W580i, W600c, W600i, W610i, W660i, W700i, W710i, W800c, W800i, W810i, W810iv, W830i, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W900i, W910i, W950i, Z1010, Z200, Z300i, Z310i, Z310iv, Z500, Z500a, Z520a, Z520i, Z530i, Z550a, Z550i, Z558i, Z600, Z610i, Z710i, Z800
    T-Mobile: MDA Dash, MDA Mail, SDA, SDA (US name), SDA II, SDA Music
    Tatung: M1
    VK Mobile: VK4000
    Vodafone: v1210, v1240, VDA II, VDA IV
    >Download to Mobile via WAP: Open wap.GetJar.com with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 16668
    >Download to PC:
    JAD file (s_midp1_high_getJar.jad)
    JAR file (s_midp1_high_getJar.jar)
  3. freeSMS_midp1_blackberry_getJar.jar Java (J2ME)
    Size: 36.98 Kb
    Compatible with:
    BlackBerry: 6220, 6230, 6280, 6720, 7100, 7100i, 7130, 7130e, 7210, 7230, 7250, 7280, 7290, 7510, 7520, 7730, 8100, 8130, 8300, 8310, 8320, 8700, 8703e, 8707, 8800, 8820, 8830
    >Download to Mobile via WAP: Open wap.GetJar.com with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 23910
    >Download to PC:
    JAD file (freeSMS_midp1_blackberry_getJar.jad)
    JAR file (freeSMS_midp1_blackberry_getJar.jar)
  4. freeSMS_midp1_high_rm_rs_getJar.jar Java (J2ME)
    Size: 36.3 Kb
    Compatible with:
    Nokia: E61, E61i, E62
    >Download to Mobile via WAP: Open wap.GetJar.com with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 24588
    >Download to PC:
    JAD file (freeSMS_midp1_high_rm_rs_getJar.jad)
    JAR file (freeSMS_midp1_high_rm_rs_getJar.jar)
Sumber dari GetJar.com